COCON (short)
Audio Mix, Sound Design
When an adolescent boy gets invited to a party, his Indonesian mother her bad dreams become reality.
Dylan is a sixteen-year-old adolescent that is fed up by the overprectiveness of his Indonesian mother Adinda. Therefore, when he gets invited to join a friend’s party, he is determined to go. His mother on the other hand won’t allow him to. For weeks she has been experiencing bad dreams about her son and his so-called friends. As Dylan decides to sneak away, the line between bad dreams and reality blurs.
Cast: Bo Bojoh, Keanu Visscher, Sol Vinken
Producer: Siar Sedig
Director: Lawrence Lee Kalkman
Screenplay: Siar Sedig
Executive Producer: Roos Jeroense
Director of Photography: Ivo Nelis
Art Director: Iris SchutGevaar
Editor: Niels Veenendaal
Sound Design: Henk-Jelle de Groot, Ting Fung Cheung